Will the Health Insurance Co-operative Model Survive?
Oct 28, 2015 - Knowledge @ Wharton
What's behind the health insurance co-op closures
With nine U.S. health insurance co-operatives announcing closure or being
forced to shut down during the past year over concerns about their solvency, the
viability of their business model has come into question. Created under the 2010
Affordable Care Act (ACA), the co-operatives were designed to provide
competition in the health insurance market and protect consumers from aggressive
pricing by some of the larger and more established for-profit insurers.
However, with the recent hemorrhaging, only 14 of the 23 health insurance
co-ops have survived. Meanwhile, the casualties are stacking up. For one, more
than 500,000 customers of the failed co-ops must find alternative insurers.
Secondly, health insurance premiums could rise next year with the reduced
competition. Premiums could rise also because a projected flat growth in
enrollees for next year might mean fewer healthy people in the risk pool for
insurers. Third, many state-operated health insurance exchanges could move over
to the federal marketplace, preferring to avoid the complications of running
them on their own.
gCongress should probably just sit tight and do nothing and see
how this plays out,h said Wharton professor of
health care management Scott
E. Harrington. gI donft think we want to be in the business of providing
more money to companies that donft appear to be sustainable.h Harrington is also
professor of insurance and risk management at Wharton.
According to Wharton professor of health care management Robert
J. Town, g[The co-op proposal] was perhaps not the best conceived idea that
Congress has ever had.h It was a substitute and a political compromise for
having a federally sponsored health plan, he explained. gItfs cobbled together
and not necessarily thought out that well. The financing and the incentives for
the co-ops are not necessarily the most aligned for success.h
New York Times health care reporter Reed Abelson predicted that some
of the co-ops will succeed, gbut you have to step back and wonder whether the
whole notion of the co-op as an alternative insurer is going to succeed.h If the
co-ops survive only in a minority of states, git is hard to see whether or not
they will have the hope for influence that the administration and others thought
they might have,h she added.
Harrington, Town and Abelson discussed the crisis in the health insurance
co-operative sector on the Knowledge@Wharton show on
Wharton Business Radio on SiriusXM channel 111. (Listen to the podcast at
the top of this page.)
The Tipping Point
Concerns over the health care co-operative model came to a head over the past
month after co-ops in Oregon, Colorado, Tennessee and Kentucky said they would
shut down, although the one in Colorado is contesting its shut down order by the
state. Following that, in late September, New York health department officials
ordered the Health Republic Insurance of New York to shut down, citing solvency
gCongress should probably just sit tight and do nothing and see how this
plays out.h –Scott E.
Another surprise came on October 1, when the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services announced
that qualified insurers would get 12.6% of their claims, or less than 13 cents
for every dollar it owes them, for unexpected losses they incurred in 2014,
under the Affordable
Care Actfs risk-sharing mechanisms.
What Went Wrong?
The governmentfs objective in creating these co-operatives was to boost price
competition against large, for-profit private insurers and bring down premiums
to affordable levels. Under a so-called gRisk Corridorsh program, the government
would share risks for three years with issuers of select health care plans, to
help them cope with uncertainties in claims costs.
However, Republican lawmakers have steadily forced Congress to cut funding to
the co-operatives from the originally promised $6 billion to $2.4 billion. That
includes federal government loans to the 14 failed co-operatives totaling about
$1 billion. The Obama administration also found itself hampered in helping the
co-ops manage costs in their formative years.
In the meantime, the failed insurers battled both lower-than-expected
enrollments and unexpected claims, made worse by generally lower premiums than
those of larger competitors. They also blame holes in the safety nets they
expected from the government. Those include shortfalls in promised government
payments to help them cover unexpected losses, insufficient government funding
to help them get started, and restrictions on how they could use those funds
(for example, they couldnft use those funds for marketing). According to
Abelson, some of the failed co-ops had significant numbers of members, but
because of the losses, they couldnft continue.
gCompetition is indeed vital in health insurance markets, but the co-ops were
a bad way to try to foster this competition,h the Washington, D.C.-based Cato
Institute said in report
on the developments. Former Senator Kent Conrad, the North Dakota Democrat who
proposed the co-operatives, said they were gsabotaged,h according to a New
York Times report
on Monday that Abelson co-wrote with Abby Goodnough.
Harrington argued that had federal funding to the co-ops continued unchecked,
the damage could have been worse. After Congress imposed restrictions on funding
the co-ops, the government could not expand the model to more states. gIt is
plausible that if the money had been there, we would have had more co-ops, but
there is no guarantee we wouldnft have had more financially weak co-ops.h
Another aspect of providing more money to the co-ops is the government has to
provide additional runway for the companies to accumulate even greater losses,
unless it appears they have good prospects to become sustainable.
g[The co-op proposal] was perhaps not the best conceived idea that Congress
has ever had.h –Robert
The Fallout for Consumers
In Iowa, a Blue Cross Blue Shield entity has entered and will pick up some of
the slack, said Harrington. In other states, some of the existing insurers are
worried that some of the customers they might get from co-ops might not have the
same health profile and might be inconsistent with the way they price those
policies, he added. gOthers, though, are viewing it as an opportunity that if
they price their polices appropriately, they could get a bigger flow of
customers, and it will be readily digestible.h
gItfs particularly having an impact in rural areas, which have had a hard
time attracting enough carriers to have competition,h said Abelson. In some
states like Nevada, for example, health insurance consumers will have fewer
choices, whereas in others, they would have to go to a big, established insurer
like Anthem and United Health Group, she added.
Harrington foresaw short-term disruptions in the states where fairly large
co-ops have shut down as people look for new coverage. He noted that the co-ops
werenft charging enough premiums to be sustainable. gIf you take out the
money-losers, you would expect people have to pay more because they need to pay
enough to keep their insurance company in the game,h he said.
Town noted that in most places, the co-ops did not enjoy a large market
share, and therefore did not expect big disruptions from the closures. Also,
other firms may step in if it makes sense for them and gif there is enough share
to gather by entering the marketplace,h he added. While premiums could rise in
some of those markets, gin most places [co-ops] werenft very effective
competitors and therefore their impact on the competitive environment is
Dim Outlook
Harrington noted that the government has projected modest increases in new
enrollments for the next year. gThat has led to some concern that we wonft get
additional, relatively healthy people into the pool in the next year or two. As
a result, there could be further upward pressure on premiums.h Also, many
smaller health insurers are worried about the expiration of the stabilization
programs included in the ACA, he said. Temporary programs to help subsidize new
coverage will expire after 2016. gGiven the projected flat enrollment [growth]
and the expiration of those [subsidy] programs, there is still a lot of
uncertainty about what will happen in the next year and a half.h
Harrington expected gsubstantial upward pressure on premium ratesh when
insurers file their rate proposals next summer. If so, he predicts that
across-the-board there will be large, double-digit increases, and the issue will
get much attention politically in the run-up to the presidential election.
Harrington said the preliminary reports for rate increases for 2016 vary across
companies and states. Some states have proposed large increases of 25% to 30%,
while others have proposed minimal increases, he added.
gYou have to step back and wonder whether the whole notion of the co-op as
an alternative insurer is going to succeed.h –Reed
Town said premiums have thus far been lower than expected, but they are
backed by underlying subsidies. gWhen those subsidies roll off, that will have a
different outcome — premiums could stabilize, or they could take off.h
As Harrington saw it, the health insurance co-ops face a ghighly uncertainh
outlook. gIt will take until 2017 or 2018 if the law doesnft change to see if
the co-op segment of the industry has stabilized.h At the same time, he expected
significant changes in the law in that time frame, depending on the outcome of
the congressional and the presidential elections.
In a year from now, Harrington said it is possible that only three or four
co-ops will survive a shakeout in the industry. Abelson said she wouldnft be
surprised if a couple more of the co-operatives shut down in the immediate
Room to Grow
The health insurance co-op model has worked well in some cases, and without
reliance on government assistance, prompting expansion. For example, the co-op
in Maine gained significant market share in that state and reported a profit for
2014, said Harrington. He noted that it did not seek support from the federal
government under risk-sharing programs. Riding on its success in Maine, the
co-op has decided to expand in New Hampshire. However, in the first half of 2015
it had a large negative cash flow and an operating loss, which Harrington said
could be because of the upfront costs of expanding into a new state.
Co-oportunity Health in Iowa, for example, had a large market share in its
state and had expanded to Nebraska before its liquidation proceedings began
earlier this year, said Harrington. However, the health insurance co-op in
Montana has expanded into Idaho and gseems to be doing well,h he added.
The original plan was for the successful health insurance co-ops to expand
into other states, Town pointed out. However, the environment doesnft seem
encouraging enough for the successful co-ops to enter new states. Harrington
noted that insurance regulators are paying close attention to the financial
condition of the co-ops. gThey are going to be very reluctant, given the track
record today, to allow companies to expand unless they feel they have sufficient
capital resources to do so,h he said. He also cited pressure on regulators from
existing health insurers to ensure that the surviving insurance companies donft
have to pick up some of the claims tab that insolvent co-ops have run up.
Shift to the Federal Marketplace
As a fallout of the current crisis, Town expected many states to move their
health insurance exchanges to the federal exchange. gThey could find it too
costly to operate their own exchange,h he said.
gHealth care is really a third rail issue, and a lot of sensible politicians
probably think if therefs going to be blame going around, they would rather have
it on the federal government than on themselves,h said Wharton professor of
health care management Mark
Pauly in a recent Knowledge@Wharton
article that examined the shift to the federal health insurance marketplace.
gMany of them [would] rather put the dirty work on somebody else.h